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Legal services for business

The challenges faced by growing businesses require a professional approach. Smooth communication—finding common ground and quickly understanding the essence of the matter—is key to successful collaboration. Our clients are ambitious visionaries. Your determination, consistency, and creativity in overcoming obstacles serve as our daily inspiration.

Paweł Doniec
Michał Górecki
Małgorzata Olejnik
Konrad Kawczyński
Ulica w Warszawie (nordic)

We are near when you need us

We use modern data processing and communication technologies. We respect your time and money. We are always available when you need us.

The world is becoming increasingly globalized and interconnected – we have extensive experience operating in an international environment. We negotiate, prepare documentation, and handle cases with English as a second official language in our professional practice.

Committed lawyers who speak in plain language

We approach our clients' matters as if they were those of our closest friends – we base our work on personal relationships and the commitment of the firm's partners.

We communicate clearly – we understand the language of business. We know how to explain complex issues in an accessible way.

Transparent cooperation terms and a professional approach.

We are transparent – we establish payment terms in advance and document our work in detail – you always know how much and what you are paying for.

We handle all the issues you present with discretion – we consider professional confidentiality fundamental to a lasting and successful relationship with your legal advisor.

Effectiveness in action

I recommend it because of the professional and comprehensive legal service, diligence, reliability and effectiveness in action.
Małgorzata Godzisz ( managing partner)
Rework Poland

Cooperation was a pleasure from the very beginning

Cooperation was a pleasure from the very beginning. They handled the needs of my company very professionally, proposed functional solutions and completed all assumptions on time and to the highest level. Their services are highly recommended to any company.

Michał Wawszczak
Hope Polska

Professional approach to cooperation

Sensational contact, professional approach to cooperation, flexibility in relation to the client.

Jadwiga Wasiutyńska-Banasik (President)
STI Sp. z o.o.

Experts in every inch

Experts in every inch, and at the same time extremely friendly. I would definitely recommend the Doniec Górecki & Patnerzy team.

Janusz Maruszewski (Vice President)
JPP Group Sp. z o.o. (www.strefainwestorow.pl)

Individual approach to client

A good and individual approach to the customer, personalized to his needs. Great staff, professional advice provided in a simple and understandable way. Cooperation is a pleasure.

Małgorzata Parzych (HR Biznes Partner)
Rework Poland

Aware of the business context

An extremely professional office, aware of the business context. They use a comprehensible language of communication that allows them to focus on solving problems rather than following legal jargon.

Magdalena Kubit (President)
Jogurty Magda Sp. z o.o.

Professional attitude

A very professional law firm, with a professional attitude. They speak English, which is a big plus for non-Polish speaking entrepreneurs. Recommended.

Vahagn Grigoryan (President)
UpSwot Sp. z o.o.

I really value their substantive knowledge

I really value the substantive knowledge, understanding of our business needs and the involvement of lawyers from Doniec Górecki & Partners. Current service is very efficient – I fully recommend the law firm as a trustworthy and very helpful partner.

Joanna Wal (Marketing Director)
Ekoplast SA

First and foremost: People

One for all, all for one

We are a versatile team of lawyers specializing in various areas of business law. We enjoy our work. Our strengths include effective communication skills and a humble approach to our professional responsibilities and clients' needs.

What can we do for you?

Starting a Business

Choose the Optimal Structure

We advise and assist in selecting the legal form that best suits the nature of the business and the relationship among owners. We pay close attention to tax aspects, proposing the best solutions. We have extensive practical experience in establishing commercial companies, branches, foundations, trusts, and other legal entities both in Poland and abroad.


Secure Financing

We will identify potential sources and guide you through the entire process of securing funding from private investors, funds, or through a public offering. Recognize your value and negotiate professionally with the support of experienced advisors.

Mózg widoczny z góry na chipie komputerowym

Intellectual Property

Create and Protect Your Brand

Your brand is your most valuable asset. We will provide protection for trademarks, inventions, and industrial designs. We will help secure copyright rights and give you the tools to keep trade secrets confidential.


Build Your Team

Your company is only as good as your people. We will advise on optimal employment structures and draft exemplary employment contracts, agreements for collaborators, managers, and B2B arrangements to help you hire and retain the best talent. We will help implement high standards of cooperation, resolve conflicts with employees, and protect your good name and reputation. Your organization will operate like a well-oiled machine.

Commercial Contracts

Sign Professional Documents

"Verba volant, scripta manent" ("spoken words fly away, written words remain") as the ancients said, and it's hard to disagree. We will prepare and review contracts with clients, suppliers, distributors, and other business partners for you. A professional approach to commercial agreements shapes the right image and ensures credibility in the eyes of your counterparts.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Join Forces and Grow

In business, larger players may sometimes benefit all parties involved. We will assist with company and business acquisitions, minimizing transaction risks and optimizing tax liabilities. If you want to effectively sell your business, leverage the negotiation support of experienced and skilled advisors.


Know the Rules of the Game

As the old saying goes, "death and taxes are certain," but the intricacies of tax regulations can be overwhelming. We will clarify your tax situation and advise you on how to resolve issues. We will suggest optimal solutions, point out potential changes in regulations, and provide arguments in your favor during audits. We will be your sword and shield in disputes with tax authorities. Our tax advisors help you avoid trouble by continuously reviewing the tax aspects of all significant transactions and business activities.


Nothing Lasts Forever

Sometimes, the only sensible way to address financial difficulties is through swift and effective restructuring or starting over. We will advise you on the options available in your specific situation. We will lead negotiations with creditors and quickly and efficiently prepare the legal documentation needed for restructuring, negotiating a settlement, or asset sales and debt relief under a pre-pack arrangement.

Regulated Activities and Administrative Requirements

The Watchful Eye of the State

“Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui-même!” – “Let things be, let trade flow, and the world will move by itself.” As you know, very little remains of the 19th-century ideals of economic freedom today. We will examine the extent to which your planned activities are subject to administrative regulations. We will obtain the necessary permits, licenses, authorizations, and approvals. We will provide detailed information on the rules governing business operations in your industry, sector-specific regulations, obligations related to personal data, advertising and promotion restrictions, environmental protection, technical supervision, insurance, reporting, asset maintenance, and many other issues entrepreneurs face daily.

Public Procurement

Win Tenders, Secure Contracts

The public procurement market is vast, but navigating it effectively requires skill. Avoid unnecessary formal errors. Stay updated with the latest regulations and keep your finger on the pulse – stay ahead of the continually changing rules. We will safeguard your interests in public procurement proceedings, clarify any doubts, identify available legal remedies, and represent you before appeals bodies.

Litigation and Administrative Disputes

Artillery Support in Ongoing Battles

Litigations can happen to anyone – whether it’s an unscrupulous contractor, an unreliable partner, a client with unreasonable expectations, unfortunate misunderstandings, or plain bad luck. We combine extensive litigation experience with an understanding of the business aspects of the cases we handle. We effectively manage debt collection and recovery.

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est

– Francis Bacon –

Payment Terms

We are transparent – we establish payment terms in advance and document our work in detail – you always know how much and what you are paying for. We use compensation models tailored to the specifics of the case and the nature of the client relationship.

A fixed monthly fee covering an agreed-upon limit of legal advisory hours. This compensation model allows for budget planning and negotiating specific terms of cooperation. Based on an SLA agreement, we guarantee a specified level of service with the involvement of a dedicated account manager.
Hourly billing, subject to individual negotiation. This model is preferred for occasional engagements or when the scope of service needs cannot be precisely estimated. We emphasize transparency in financial arrangements and provide complete information on expenses incurred by the client related to the execution of the assignment. It is possible to set a maximum budget for the project or a limit that requires additional authorization.
A fixed fee for handling a specific case or legal services within a defined project. The cost of advisory services is known in advance, regardless of the actual time spent on the assignment. The fee may be payable in several installments, including a partial advance.
A fee typically structured as a commission for achieving a set goal (result) and measurable outcomes of our team's work. This is used in litigation, negotiations with counterparts, or other circumstances as agreed with the client.

Where to Find Us?

Our office is located in the southern part of Kraków. The convenient transport links ensure easy access both from the city center and directly from the highway ring road connecting Kraków with Silesia, Subcarpathia, and southern Lesser Poland.

Doniec Górecki & Partnerzy Sp.k.
Law Firm
ul. Józefa Marcika 6
30-443 Kraków

T: +48 12 307 96 96
M: +48 602 399 449
E: biuro@dgp.legal

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Please arrange an appointment in advance by phone or email.

REGON: 362472945 | NIP: 6793115993
Registered in the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, Economic Division XI, under registration number KRS 0000574486.